Cover & title page - inside pages are below
J caught up with an old friend from his Secondary School over the Christmas break and was recommended by the well-meaning millionaire to read Rich Dad Poor Dad. I may be wrong, but somehow I remember quite a few people seemed to have recommended this title to J too. Do we appear so financially unwise?!?.
I haven't read the book. Neither has J. I doubt we'll ever read it.
To compensate for our deliberate ignorance (and a Christmas present that I thought wouldn't arrive in time from Amazon), I quickly made a tiny accordian book over Christmas for J with its own fancy rich velvet cover and gold letters. Eh, expensive-looking. As such, it's most appropriately titled Rich Man Poor Man, a picture story very loosely adapted from that Stone Soup story you too must have read and loved when you were a kid.
With J's permission, since it's technically still his prezzie (yes, the Amazon package was faithfully delivered in the drizzle!), I'll scan the pages from the little book later tonight and put it up here.
p/s - Here it is! But I cut off some of the text in the scanning...well, it's not a complex story. Click on the image for a larger view in flickr.
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