anyw, comments on PW anyone?
track1 sucksh!t?
yea so we did some sianz presentation
Anu gives the VERY SIAN closed eye look!
Apparently she teaches with the same legendary style woahz
Diedie was feeling retardded...
While papa felt horny in the LT. Eh no.. Disgusting i mean.
So sorry if got vomit out all your food
Then abit sian. So go KAP eat lor.
Next day.. Tues..
Close eyed singing. Mikeless this time la.
Gygi yibian eat hawtdog yibian enjoy the yanchanghui
Even Mr ong is happy with poplarity
Back to lesson, Mr Ong attempted pulling down the projector screen.
Pulled so hard till it sounded quite loud. And made Annie the AVrep scream
Mok laughing at Mr ong pulling the screen with such force
Gygi using Mengge's answers to get chocolate.
Now we know why she got so many la.
Shuzong your hair is sibei nice la.
HUH REALLY? I think so too.
Until he realised that tantalisyn was sitting at the side tantalisingly liu.kou.shui
He decided to take it on his own life.
Easy la jinlong. You still have your ahlian - regina
Our jap friends sat there laughing..
While professor mok and cheap labour-assistant tim played pool during chemistry
And wenmu^3 experimenting some new china brain technology aft the prev time of head-to-head information transfer failed to be fully efficient
Next Day... Even weirder...
Darling, love you! Eat my Aixin mianbao.
Wah lao. Whats with the thumbs up?
altho behind every successful man is a zhai woman, but then everytime only show zhuoxuan's back oso not too nice rite?
LIFENG! Daniao climb onto their heads already u still don care?
We play handphone game with jap tomodachi
And dan-san juggled balls LIVE! what greatness la
There was new Qiaoen-Gongqing scandal..
After class we super hungry. go eat prata.
got interesting events!
PLEASE REMEMBER the approx positions of the love triangle before continuing.
This facilitates your understanding when u see the eye/head/body positions of the 3 later on
Blink blink glitter glitter.
regina trying to shock jinlong with her charm
"Look what look. eat your food la"
Jinlong tells the person to his left in the meanest tone i eva heard. Srsly.
Poor lisyn. Now suffering from yesterday conflict la.
Even have to eat prata on bench now
Sigh. Couples' squibble. Helps strengthen the dr/dt. relationship over time. Please rem!
NEXT DAY. Alvl holidays. A few of us going to mama house. Mug+play session
To quote mark. Zinger is amazingest!
Jinlong boards bus with yanqi
Lisyn. you poor thing! Seems like r/s takes time to heal.
Why not learn a lesson from us?
Finally. At the zai villa
Lisyn decided to be a hua chi. Literally
So we mugged...
And sang KTV..
While there was still something bewtween yanqi and jinlong.
[yanqi! lisyn is not transparent!]
But guess they finally patched up! Yays! sings together!
"Wu Ding" by all of us
CLICK HERE for vid@youtube if load frm this small screen is choppy.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as we do! XD
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