Bringing to all of u. More fun and joy!
First up, we have.. a very 温馨感人的song
SUNG BY: Zhenyang's unnamed friend
Pad thai 又煮很慢
再唱 *
Hoped you enjoyed some jaychou alike crooning
Next up. Another ad for us.
We have the
also known as
easterner's club
DongBangShinKi [DBSK]
Take a look at our promotional pixx!
It is very easy to join us.
If you are living in the west. it shld be more than enough reason to leave your farmlands and forests to relocate to our greener pastures on our green line
your ideal home?
a quiet laidback one? comeon to simei
need clean water? bedok reservoir is great
by the beach? blading and cycling everyday? East coast will do
hustle and bustle x10 of orchard road? tampines is your 1mba place
dreaming of fantastic nightlife like a tightdragon with the many countries to vie for? we have. geylang。 ^^
So hop onto our greenline right away!
You wont regret it =D
Next. We have another ad.
If you ever thought u lacked the muscles. the build. the size of timtay. to wear those great fanciful clothes from IP zone. fret not!
If you ever wanted to have a part of your body as hard as tongzi's 三铁。 No sweat!
Introducing. The IP Zone!
The Instantaneous Power Zone! Come train your arms here. and create those blissful.. blissters that can get as hard as tongzi himself!
Some other benefits include:
"How to flirt like a tightdragon: Chapter3: train those dragon hands!"
Sitting on the air. The aerial chair technique!
So now you dont need to worry about wearing those clothes anymore! and go ahead to attract many korean ROBOTS with your 硬如三铁 blistered hands!
so back to 6v life =D
regina sensei! o.0
scribbles on board for chem points!
chemistry. in chem :DD
And some rubix cube magic hehe
Then remb during econs? the whole class sit tgt.
then behind got 2 tables side by side? at the back of the classrm?
refresh ur memory la. see. some robot smile until so happy
her triple point of metal walk away only a distance of 1m she will go into autopanic mode alr.
GP! we sat in a circle.
but there was something more interesting somewhere
someone's leg was across daniao. miss little red riding hood thought immediately of the fateful day. where her knee was injured. where the bird came to her care.
so when she saw shuzong throw himself into the daniao's arms. she had to pretend not to see. to ignore. to focus.
But. when daniao grabbed him in return. miss little red riding hood could no longer sustain her emotions
Yet, she could do nothing but stare with jealous, painful eyes.
She'd rather get eaten by the big bad wolf then to see this!
Oh dear =x
Time passes quickly. Its such a shock that we are about to participate in the ACES day that we have been dancing since pri1.
AOSA MOVE NO. 431. ACES day variant
So while we danced...
The chemistry people had their fun again o.0
while there were others who were 祈祷ing so hardly for his YU to FEI down from the sky so that they could do the raindance tgt.
then there was a need to record attndance ma. looks up at PA for annie and WY.
EH?>< why PA got an additional helper? This is external benefit that is not included in the private benefit of the CCA and is exclusive to only 1 person
Right. So its teachers day celeb after that!
I looove Mr Koh. I mean. besides the fact that he resides in tampines and is a member of dongbang. Dont u think he is so secky?
You cant disagee on his s3xy pose right =D
To show our appreciation we went giving our class gifts to teh tchers
To Mr koh! "You are my best econs teacher i ever had!"
Hmm why are students exchanging gifts?
[Mr ong on stage soo farnie and cute like student la! HAHA!]
Mdm ong so happy ^^
To Irene! Be our CT next yr pleasexor!
Ms Chen!
"May you stay TIAN" platinumwinter
"I think Ms Chen in uniform very chio..." hjl
Oh HO What is going to happen? will the conqueror be 收拾more山河?
Or will the mayo deprived winter truimph?
"you're a great teacher!" sushi [or was it?]
Dr Ang?! ZOMG what a pose =D
Okayy. Time for some shots tgt
Happy Teachers Day!
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