supposed to do this with thiamjiamin but she just couldn't do this.
so today, i'll take a 3 pronged approach.
SECTION 1: 高校恐怖连锁事件
high school boys, hold your breaths.
Unveiling of the boy's [except luoqiaoen&leon] SECONDARY THREE PHOTOS! :D
by register number,
1. 笔蒙!

2. 马克偶像

3. Longlong

just pretend you haven't noticed weijie.
4. Dompapa-razzi

5. 東哥

6. 祖宗

7. 文木cube

8. 大鸟

lol? already like this since sec3...
9. bunny

10. mothi

11. tiong

12. 童子

If you thought you have seen enough/ died laughing,
here's more.
SECONDARY ONE PHOTOS! [minus our china scholars who were not yet talent scouted]
1. markchengweicheng!

woah so innocent.
2. 庸俗紧龙

HAHAHAHA lives up to his name -ysjl
!!- see part of my idol's face below jinlong! hahaha
3. nomadic pang jing ping

4. huang soot zong

lol that's my primary 6 deskmate on his right
5. birdie!
too horrible liao can't bear to upload it. ok kidding, we really couldn't find him!
6. MOK!

O.O nice hair.
7. timothytay

8. 自恋狂自大狂

hitler! lol it's just in his genes.
9. tongji!

A mini bonus-
08s6v alumni CHENZEHONG! HAHA

sec 3

sec 1!
couldn't find mingchou though.
SECTION 2: Planned Deja Vu
If anyone remembers, during the day of X-country, 08s6v trudges along to phuayanqi's house to play.
and there was a series of photos taken to imitate ctmate's signature expressions on feb11.
comparison- see how much we've changed. T.T SHAT I NEED SLEEP.
zehong or was it yanqi
i look more like in the first one and jiamin in the 2nd
SECTION 3: THIAMY's stroke series!
unintentional stroke face made famous by thiamjiamin, here's her gallery from all different angles!
note to all readers: the photographer almost died laughing while taking these photos that she had to not look to take them.
please tilt your head because i forgot to rotate image
right. done :D

urgh. had a super hard time choosing one from all her perfect photos and in the end had to resort to random picking. STILL SO CHIO LA~
love in the ice
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