me and Sar-ie at the wine bar before Paint the Town Red...really I dont know what the heck my hair is doing in this one!
me and Kathy enjoying the festivities...taking a little break from the front row of the Boom Kenetic mosh pit
So I am sitting at home on a Saturday night, all by my lonesome...well (I have my bestie dog, Lola Bear). My hubby Joseph left me on Friday morning to go to a friends ranch in South Texas...once again. After the ranch he is off to Reno for a big outfitters convention, SCI. It is basically the biggest, most manly, most rough and rugged compilation of hunting vendors, booths, retailers and outfitters that one could possibly imagine. So basically- my worst nightmare.
I (and lola) was off to Fayetteville yesterday and met up with Sarah at Maude...where I found a fun fab dress that I ended up NOT wearing...TYPICAL!
We preceeded to go to her house to figure out what we were going to wear. She MADE me bring basically everything in my closet for her to try on. When I was walking out of my house I was glad Lola was my only confindant b/c I was really embarrased I had all that crap for only one night! ....
Sarah- we are NOT good influences on each other's closet space or wallets!
Joseph had to leave earlier than I was left with an extra ticket to Paint the Town Red, and a ninth (or eleventh) wheel with all of our friends! No biggie though, a girl dosent need a man to have fun! Kathy was definatley my dancing buddy all night! We have always loved dancing to Boom Kenetic (formerly Molten Lava) and we always have to make sure we get right up front...which was not the easiest task. The dance floor was PACKED, and I ended up wearing most of my red wine instead of drinking it, which today I am thankful for..considering I am hung over without the extra wine in that cup! I really dont know when my body decided it was sick of tolerating alcohol, but it has definately made the transition!
I have this really, really annoying eye twitch....if anyone knows how to fix it, I would LOVE to know some remedies!
Another thing I realized....
In a weird way, I feel like I can get a sense of how much my life will change when I have kids.....b/c of Lola. I mean, my in laws were gone so they couldnt watch her while I went to Fay...Joseph is gone, so I brought her with me. I had to leave her all day in a strange place, have my girlfriend Lindsey check on her while I was drinkin it up at PTTR, and then I had to haul her to Jeff and Kathy's, which you always feel bad bringing your DOG, b/c you never know how they will react to their dog and blah blah blah.
It's amazing how much more I have to plan and strategize due to have another living thing in my life that depends solely on ME! I know! I know! All you moms out there are going have no idea how that doesent even compare to a child but I am just starting to realize the magnitude of it all! All I can do is appreciate the time I have with my husband...a life with only a few strings attached...but a life where we can do anything at anytime and we really need enjoy each other during this special time in our marriage...and then hopefully one day we will be blessed with children..until then I am taking today to APPRECIATE MY FREEDOM TO LIVE SPONTANEOUSLY!

Yes...I took a picture of us cuddling on the couch.
I had to get the full impact how freakin cute she is!

She's going "Mom! Stop blogging and pay attention to me!

love you all
mo (and Lola Bear)
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