My gym for the next 90 days!

Me: before (now..ha ha)
So it's official- Joseph and I are starting P90X tonight. We have gotten all the equipment and are ready to go! I thought it would be a great way for us to workout together, even tho we have completely different schedules. Joseph has really been wanting to get back into working out ( I know its disgusting that he is fit and he dosent work out regularly.) He has always been the type that is really active and has always played sports. Recently he joined a softball league and he is discovering that he isnt in as great of shape as he once was. goes nothing...
I have heard several things about the program..good and bad. I have already done a few of the yoga workouts and they are definately intense for I am guessing I can assume that same for the rest of the workouts. I love a good workout though! I work out almost every morning with my Triple Threat class and I think I really cannot stop going to I am going to be extra tired.
I am forcing myself to put up a before pic just so I have to stay accountable for keeping up with the program. (I cant say the same for Joseph tho...but I am going to put up a before pic of him too so he feels a little pressure!)
Love you honey! Now lets get RIPPED!
wish me luck!
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