I made a speech one night in a dance say that selecting a sound system naw no pension and selectors must set them thing straight that when them sound days are over them good and people say all kind a thing about that. Now squingy is a next victim of dedicating most of his life to a sound system and now him alone a fight him struggles to deal with his health.God bless kirky c to show the youth love but it should not be so.A kieth whey own bass oddessy should a be the one to a spend pon the youth and see say him good untill god say a time for him to come home.A whole lot of fucking money squingy put in kieth pocket but some a unu ago say kieth did a pay him so him should have set him thing good but wha sound man pay selectors a fucking hand to mouth most of the time.
When a youth dedicate him life to something whey him believe in him suppose to get more respect.All squingy do come like when a cow give a pail a milk and kick it over.It should not reach a stage whey the youth honour and glory got to be sideline now to be a sorry for thing and a salvation army thing.Mi fucking vex.When mi left jaro sound people say all kind a thing but unu see now wha mi a say u got to elevate and set your thing straight.All the real selectors dem dead paupers or a live like some pussy today.Please do a research on that.Most sound owners just think bout them sound and no give a fuck about the workers who a mek dem rich in the long run.God naw sleep still and squingy is a nex victim of the use and refuse sound game.
Right now mi ago play my part to help him cause a could a me in that position cause sickness no respect no one.I will play in any fund raising dance anywhere in the world to help the youth and we ago send a thing go give him too.All who have bad to say bout mi fren suck unu mumma and bite out unu gal.Mi done talk kieth a pussy him should defend the youth honour cause a the best soldier ever fight for him.HIM A ONE BIG PUSSY. Later mi out unu set a pussy pon dancehall reggae can talk now shit now who no like hear the truth.BIG UP DREW CAUSE YOU HAVE YOU WAYS BUT YOU A GOOD YOUTH FI A HELP ONE A WE WHO GOT FUCK OVER AGAIN.
When a youth dedicate him life to something whey him believe in him suppose to get more respect.All squingy do come like when a cow give a pail a milk and kick it over.It should not reach a stage whey the youth honour and glory got to be sideline now to be a sorry for thing and a salvation army thing.Mi fucking vex.When mi left jaro sound people say all kind a thing but unu see now wha mi a say u got to elevate and set your thing straight.All the real selectors dem dead paupers or a live like some pussy today.Please do a research on that.Most sound owners just think bout them sound and no give a fuck about the workers who a mek dem rich in the long run.God naw sleep still and squingy is a nex victim of the use and refuse sound game.
Right now mi ago play my part to help him cause a could a me in that position cause sickness no respect no one.I will play in any fund raising dance anywhere in the world to help the youth and we ago send a thing go give him too.All who have bad to say bout mi fren suck unu mumma and bite out unu gal.Mi done talk kieth a pussy him should defend the youth honour cause a the best soldier ever fight for him.HIM A ONE BIG PUSSY. Later mi out unu set a pussy pon dancehall reggae can talk now shit now who no like hear the truth.BIG UP DREW CAUSE YOU HAVE YOU WAYS BUT YOU A GOOD YOUTH FI A HELP ONE A WE WHO GOT FUCK OVER AGAIN.
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