Well, hello long lost friends! I have been a bad little blogger lately. Honestly, I got a little burnt out, and I don't even blog as much as some! This has kinda made me realize that I never wanted to sit down and spend my free time uploading pics, telling the stories that I already have told aloud a million times and then arranging the pics to where they are in chronological order...which for some reason my computer is highly difficult.
So I am making a New Year's resolution to blog more often, however, I am not going to feel the pressure to make every entry perfect. My blog will be, just like me....highly imperfect.
So first off, I am going to put a few of my resolutions out there, mostly to keep me accountable!
1. Continue to become more organized...this one was last year's resolution and I have made some major leaps, and I still have a long road ahead to make this a lifestyle change. Now that I have my own office at Ramona Roberts, instead of a little cubicle, this is going to be much easier.
2. Go to bed earlier. This is going to be a big struggle for me. I seem to never want the day to end..oddly, I get my splurge of energy at night, I will start a new project, start a movie, start research on the Internet, or some other random journey at 10 o'clock at night. This has got to stop..I am going to set my goal to be in bed by 11 pm every night...last night was 12...I'm winging myself into it. I know that that will in turn allow me to wake up earlier..hopefully by 6....where as now I am up at 8. I think this bad habit stems from years of all night-ers in college, whether that was for a test or party....mostly for the party.
3. Remember to love what I already have...sometimes I get so caught up in my (our) goals for the future and what I want that I do not already have...I forget to love what I have right now and be happy RIGHT NOW..in this moment in my life I am so happy and sometimes it takes a look back on your year to see how blessed you are. I want 2010 to be the year I realize how happy I am while I am happy....make sense?
4. Get some kind of designation...whether it be personal training or real estate (GRI, CRS, etc), both things I have wanted to set goals for.
That's it! There are other things I could improve on, but I am cutting myself some slack (there is another resolution I should do as well..cutting myself some slack that is)
Hope all of you out there will forgive me for being so boring and come back!
Happy New Year
Much love
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