Yes, yes dear ladies and sirs. Of course, vyGO. Who does not love our number one deejay, especially for a classical Ladies night, for a night of pure house music. Our guest this week is going to be Nairam Naoi, as you obviously could see on our flyer. Nairam Naoi previously performed at Opium, so it's gonna be a great house music experience this Thursday...as every week, Thursdays at Obo of course. We try to satisfy your hunger for your favorite music and we do our best to do that. No descriptions for vyGO, you already know the lad and his skills :D.
Okay, moving on. Friday..oldies. What can I say? Old skool fun, new skool experience. You are all very very welcome. I guess you already know the drill.
And after Friday comes Saturday. When we shall have a killer party...All you can drink Jagermeister party: the sequel.
Oh yes! All you can freakin drink. Attending: mister deejay Inoxbrains along with his vinyls. Funky jazzy house music for your senses..joy for your ears, and the pleasure of Jagermeister. We think it's a perfect combination. How about you? See you.
Oh, almost forgot: here's something to tease you >>>
Inoxbrains @ Liquid Sounds on Logitune.fm (19.11.2009) [Vinyl mix] by Inoxbrains
The entry fee will be 40 lei-gentleman / 30 lei-ladies. The rest is up to you.
3,2,1...PARTY ON!
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