ripped from a blog.French Speaking day- 14042008
origin: math lecture test 1
ok i admit i started this whole thing.
i mugged for 2 whole days daoing all my hw. and the math test absolutely killed my day. so being pissed as can be, while walking out from the audi all the way to B218 where we had our math tutorial [see, math tutorial after a f-ing math test], regina was swearing all the way. yes, to meiting who heard all sorts of permutations the F could be used.
this phenomenom continued during math tutorial when reginaliew sat at the extreme back right hand corner to emo. timothy tay and daniao who were sitting infront of her also kena her swearing. not to forgot tiong weijie who was sitting beside meiting who was sitting beside reginaliew. apparently, the 3 guys seemed quite amused.
the french speaking didn't end there. still feeling f-ed up, reginaliew proceeds to lag at s77 ct bench. and markcheng came over. and while he suddenly turned and did the f sign to reginaliew, she simultaeneuosly asked him how was math test. lol. both of them then continued f-ing away. timtay was nearby and he told reginaliew, "eh don't use that word anymore la."
As paradoxical as it may seem, regina looked at him and he looked at her and after a short pause, he said "f". HAHAHAHA.
then i forgot what happened, reginaliew tried to defend herself for being so f-ed up, so the excuse she used was that she was saying william farquar. and it became french speaking. lol. markcheng told reginaliew after that that farquar in french was supposed to be pronounced as "farker" which gave reginaliew an even more solid reason to say the f.
power of math test gave rise to french speaking. and we never know how influential french speaking is you know. many 08s6v started f-ing the whole day. people included thiamjiamin who suggested that we have a frenchspeaking day every month. HAHA.
right then at home,
tantalisyn was having a msn conversation with
reginaliew and she finally openly unleashed her grievances with the expression of f.
F*** U LAH..woah..SONG!
this is the first n only time i can type it out loud and capped!
AHHAHAHAHAHAHA *please note that as the french speaking day is over, all vulgarities are censored.witness the power of french speaking!
tictoc time is ticking. it was 11+pm on the com clock and
markcheng and
reginaliew were still talking. notice the time.
11:55:58 PM rahhhhhhhh
11:56:04 PM sleepiness is settign in
11:56:07 PM its 1155
11:56:11 PM no now 1156
11:56:12 PM im still typingtyping.
11:59:38 PM ohno
11:59:49 PM i just wake up from infront of my co
11:59:51 PM *com
11:59:56 PM you have one more minute to swewar
11:59:57 PM swear.
12:00:06 AM oh ok no more.
12:00:46 AM OHNOOOOOo
12:00:48 AM SHIT
12:00:50 AM ITS OVEr
12:01:26 AM haha it was fun while it lasted.
12:01:36 AM hahaha indeed
lol. however, the power of french speaking is just to great to resist. demand cerve is inelastic as consumers get addicted to it just after one day. many of them are having slight problems trying to recover from french speaking today. this is what we call withdrawal syndrome.
people, let's work hard towards getting rid of this! lol.
* point to note, since the french speaking day is over, regina shall not spell it out but i think everyone gets how the f is supposed to be read.
ㄅ ㄆ ㄇ ㄈ ㄉ ㄊ ㄋ ㄌ come on let's fall in love