Monday, September 29, 2008
How's mugging coming along? (:
Just 2 more days left; we can do this! :D
Don't be discouraged; press on! :D
anyw i've got reminders! :D
1. Bring enough money for lunch(and maybe dinner) and random fun in the sun for VOLLEY VOLLEY!
2. Remember to bring some Beachy (not bitchy, lol) clothes to change into for all the fun and games, and maybe another change of clothes to change into after everything! hahaha we won't wanna stink up public trasnport!
3. In case of wet weather (CHOY), we'll go somewhere nice and just have a slackish time :D
Jiayou sweethearts <3
3 men riding the train home from a day out at the racec- click for larger flickr view
The desire for speed is bewildering. Rubber on tarmac. Ecstatic champagne bottles. Loops and crashes.
More understandable is the desire to be part of a spectacle, to participate in revelry, to gape and gawk and cheer, to say "I've been there too". That we collect experiences and their memories is also part of our desire to consume. So the the Singapore Tourism Board knew that the crowds who attend the Formula Races would in fact be spending more time (and money) in other forms of consumption.
Yesterday afternoon, with J's work meeting and my class assignment out of the way, we decided to spend the afternoon luxuriously sipping tea, across the street from Raffles Hotel, at a fancy cafe with lace curtains, tasteful furnishing, and the conspiring whispers from the ladies at the other corner. We've always wanted to do the lady-of-leisure thing. And we did. There. Experience consumed and collected.
In a way, we were really no different in our motivations from the folks who gather to watch the F1. Perhaps only that our experience was much slower and far quieter.
I know promos have been ._______. so far, but hey, don't fret! (:
Cus everyone's in this together! (: You fail, there will be people who fail with you too!
Don't be discouraged, and give it your all for physics okay! (:
But here's something to look forward to while you're mugging these 2 days! :D
play the fantastic game under the sun with your favourite pals! (: post promos laxing! :D
awesome way to let out any pent-up frustration, too. (: just cmon down! :D after paper we can go eat lunch! then have fun on the beach! :D then maybe have dinner o.O! HAHAHA :D
LOVES! new countdown!
lots of love,
mama! :D
Friday, September 26, 2008
The old stuff
Decided to bring up the old stuff for you guys again
yeah that means while u were mugging. i was doing all the photos ~.~
Bringing to you now... the old stuff =D
[btw. all photos up till today are UP =)]
Check out mdm ong =O
The days tutorials exsted..
Happy PW times
Thats VERY happy for a PW lesson...
The apparent reason -.-
well. PW is really beneficial. socialising time huh =D
Lectures too =O
The fish and the lamb!
We sent Mr ong off at teh airportxor
Its TEE TREE TEHMINARU btw hor. proxor lor
Where Mr Ong imparted his last skill before he departed
The Commando (clap) AOSA
It seems like Daniel might have picked up the legendary move
Foto tgt ^^ sweet
And then we went mac to eat breakfast. Teis iz mr ong family
Enjoyment WOAH
Pancake Smiley =)
Pancake Pacmannn
LOL Is that a toy frm HAPPYMEAL
MUACKXOR ~ Bid goodbye
You din even turn your head back to look! o0
After that we went back to MEITING Point under the strong demand of jinlong
So mugging started.. and a extremely late wanzhu turned up...
So its back to life in sch thereafter
Its shuzong and the auntie sunglasses :p
A personal fav photo. Bunny listens to music okayy
Apparently some1 isint too happy with me touching teh bunny everyday.
Fighting over more. PW 的不能说的秘密
Teh Regina HOTT DOGG
The HJL is capable of break. dance. hehe. thanks for teaching me the basic freeze =D
Volley mania continues!
A Sleeping episode featuring mark mok and tim =0
And the final emo moments. before the exams start..
Before GP papers. Fret not chaoen.
Take nice breaks at pizza hut someday.
And stay positive.
though i cant see why you are so happy when its chicken. and not fish...
Alright tata. Go check out all teh photos!
Its really alot LOL. sorry din upload..
justs for gags
rather than trying to get themselves admitted to IMH, let's just say they were trying to destress.
swooping grief counsellor
winnie the pooh
big bad wolf
wise old man
le chaterlier
frtiz haber
bon haber
market subpass
market approaching expectations
Zhen: winnie the pooh is mental
swooping grief counsellor: you vulnerable people, here's mental support for all for another 7days19hrs55mins00seconds!
jiamin: winnie the pooh! dont binge eat! ((((: honey eat too much will get diabetes :X
expert: pooh come. i counsel you
winnie the pooh: hahahahah i dunwann. i want honey. ))))): you cuckoo counsellor you'll only make me more vulnerable and weak ):
tigger: my tail gt some problem keep bouncing! i need grief counsellor!
tigger: pooh told me very effective leh the therapism!
expert: i swoop down on you then you know.
eeyore: ))))))))))))))))))))): im the saddest. help me
swooping grief counsellor: TIGER its good to accept therapism! turn away from delinquincy. and crime.
piglet!: i got yanqigitis!
piglet!: i small like yanqi!
piglet!: its the art of waving hands high high
big bad wolf: wohoo economies of concentration! 3 pigs her! i huff and puff and eat you up!
big bad wolf: *here
wise old man: animals of children's classic, go and study econs! (((: dont economy of concentration arh
wise old man: economies*
pooh: im gay too haHAHA!!
le chatelier: who gt wiser n older den me? dun study econ la study me!
fritz haber: pls i more shuai than you leh chatelier
bon haber: walao who tell me to go cycle my way to death arh!
regina: sry haber i did.
bon haber: after all ive done for the world of thermodyanamucs! tsk tsk!!
markonikov: i think i am the cutest
bon haber: thermodynamics*
bon haber: pls lor. so what if more girls attracted to you .
bon haber: im a theory only. sryy ): dunnid to take my comments srsly. HAHA. fritz haber gogo!
markonikov: at least i got more girls than u lo. u got none. haha
le chatelier: i look more cixiang!
bon haber: haizz theories also need to mug econs! HAHAHA letsgo!
onerepublic: its too late to apologize~ its too late~
mccain: laxxing, the foundation of our class is stong!
market subpass: wheeeeee
market app expectation: i need a counsellor!
swooping grief counsellor: i'm gaining popularity.
market subpass: yupp you are! swoop down on me! (:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
just for laughs xD
hahaha so funny! paiseh i dont have movie maker so cannot add apollo song! ahhhhhhh! you can hear abit in the background. :D hoho!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hogs, hangovers, and haute couture

This Saturday Joseph and I went up to Fayetteville for the Alabama game and we had so much fun. We started off at the Harper's box with all of the Harper clan, which is always fun! I cant help but having a blast with all of them, they are just such great people, and we realize every time we see Scott and Lyndsey again, how much we truly miss them. Lyndsey and I are always having a moment where we almost pee our pants b/c we are laughing so hard. It usually isnt really over much, we just crack ourselves up I guess.
MySpace Countdowns
love, mama
Life Is Like A Boat - Rie Fu
Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along
Who's gonna comfort me and keep me strong?
We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on comin' and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves would guide you through another day
Heaving a sigh faraway, seeming to have grown transparent
Although I could think in the darkness, I've only been blindfolded
Give me your prayers and wait for a new day
until that end where the vividly shining sea is
Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don't give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you would follow me, and keep me strong
People's hearts are moving, they come to wish to be free
In a new epoque, the moon is again accompanying the boat
And every time I see your face,
The oceans heave up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars,
And soon I can see the shore
Oh, I can't see the shore
When will I see the shore?
I want you to know who I really am
I never thought I'd feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along
I will follow you, and keep you strong
The journey is still continuing even on calm days
The moon still illuminates the boat in a new epoque
Give me your prayers and wait for a new day
until that end where the vividly shining sea is
And every time I see your face,
The oceans heave up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars,
And soon I can see the shore
Row the boat of of fate
Although waves flow from and to the future
and threaten to overwhelm us
that's also a wonderful journey
Every journey's a wonderful journey
SO ENJOY THE mugging-for-promos-during-promos-sianxor period. HAHA
shall quote what mama always says, because " no matter what, there are 25 other people slogging it out with you."
OK, now
Friday, September 19, 2008
what we talk about when we talk about running

the original running man
On our island, running has become the latest fad. This year alone, there has or will be the Nike "Human Race", the Great Eastern Women's race, Adidas' sundown marathon, the super crazy "double marathon", some new balance thing, the annual standard chartered run...and too many for a non-participant to name. It's a little bit more crazy than when yoga and roller blading were the rage, perhaps because running is something you can do alone and is basically a outcome/goal-driven activity, quantifiably by time, speed and distance.
Maybe this is why this book flew completely off the shelves, but Kinokuniya has re-stocked it again.
If you are a Murakami-fan and finding it hard to believe that he can write something pedestrian? Well, it could be because of the subject matter. To demonstrate, us amps attempted a version of "talking about running", since J is also the running type:
Y: J, you are a runner. You have been running voluntarily since you were young. You enjoy running. You feel ill if you don't run for some time. Tell me, what do you think about when you think about running?
J: Well, mostly, when I run, I think about...
Y: No, not when you are running. What do you think about when you think about running?
J: Erm, slimming down.
Y: So superficial!
J: Well, if you want a more PC term, try "keeping fit".
Y:Keeping fit is too utilitarian. What else do you think about when you run?
J: OK, when I run, sometimes I also think about and get new ideas.
Y [*yawn*] It's late. I think I am going to bed.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Our new project!

Well, we closed on the old Davis furniture building last month and now we are in demolition mode, which Joseph is REALY enjoying..what's up with boys and tearing stuff up? This building was built back in the early 1900's and it is so cool! The last picture posted is of an old livory stable, which I had no idea what that was until I resarched it a little. Back in the day when families would come down town in their horse and buggy to shop and have dinner and such, they would park thier horses at the livory stable...not sure about the spelling. The arch way has been bricked in, but we plan to keep it in tact for some character in the restaurant/bar we are planning on doing. We definately dont want to get into the restaurant business, so we want to find an established restaurant to come in and we just do a commercial lease. Most of the use of the building will be condos and studio apartments.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thankyou for everything you have done for 6V :D
Contrived as it may sound, we really appreciate everything :D
your efforts at teaching;
your efforts at bonding with us; (we'll always rmb how you join us for recess and stuff)
your efforts at being our friend, not our teacher.
Thankyou for everything :D
Bon Voyage, Mr Ong! We'll miss you terribly!
have fun, and always keep us in your heart! we know you'll always be a part of us :D
Jiayou and take care! (and find an American girlfriend pls!) :D
6V :D
introducing the queen of paint :D

and the queen of photoshop!

today we shall blog about a sophisticated topic called the state of mind of 6v (:
starting off from the class register, shall we?
meng-ge ;D
"stewpid brother! he's so stewpid " S.A.T S.A.T S.A.T...
ma-ke ouxiang!
he gives the perma-stick-on-his-face-indifferent-look.
-zortengs zortengs-
-stares- goes away to attitude
tongchang kailing :D
"my dajie says, i should love my mr tong (: i listen to my dajie!"
"my camera is to take people one. i don't care about anything else"
felly (:
*loves purple at the same time*
gongqing (stress on the qing4)
"i love my 死胖子"
starblogger comment: albeit only for a certain someone (:
shuzong :D
DAniel~ qiaoen~ gongqing~ xiangchang~
starblogger comment: huang shuzong is 20 years old. officially. DON'T TRY TO ARGUE YOU'RE NINETEEN HAHA. your birthday's over! muahaha.
wee wee. starts to laugh his "hee hee hee hurh hurh hurh"
ahnie :D
LIGHTS! LIGHTS! why did my 生命之光 shine on 美国! (this was NOT written by queen of paint)
feng-jie (:
- raises eyebrows like a pervert-
professor mok :D
perma -bunny you- face
starblogger comment: prof mok got his degree at a certain unidentified university.
-waves at readers with hands high up at at least HER eye level-
starblogger comment: from the above extract, we can see that the state of mind of yanqi should be observed further as the shocking truth is that she's 17 years old.
tantalisyn :D
-math rev package? i do liao. phy TYS? i did liao. phy old tys? i photocopied the whole thing liao. chem ionic equilibrium small book? i finish liao. all the other chem small book? all bought liao. that econs suggested answer sold in sch bookshop that mr c. ho told us not to buy because of its warped answers? i long bought liao even identified all the errors and consulted mr isaac koh liao."
shiyu (:
-shoots mouth at any target she sees, leaving you in sorrow and stunned-
mama! :D
"HEE HEE. volley volley!"
starblogger comment: mama is always in a constant state of niceness!
-retards off -
tongzi :D
"i like to receive benefits from positive externalities!"
-ahya P.A. duties today-
starblogger comment: make the link yourself.
presenting to you,
queen of paint ng bee bee!
in constant state of glamness. [ totally is ngmeiting write one]
so glam lor... and she was from highschool...
and queen of photoshop liew
queen of paint says EH STUPID REGINALIEW.
drools on parkjungmin. :D
and that's all for today's star bloggers' post!
below are some terrorising photos of the running-on-5th-year-classmates star bloggers!
you see, it has always been like that. reginaliew just wins.

07/06/05 are already hideous enough. 2004 too hideous already can't bring myself to post.
but sads, your two star bloggers don't take lotsa photos together since sec1, so there are really lotsa glam photos during many occasions/events BUT NOT TAKEN TOGETHER! can't post up! T.T
2 guest star bloggers sign off. :D