Me (left) and Katy (right)

Katy (left) and I getting ready to play Little Rock Raquet Club

Mid Season State Champs

My partner, Katy Ward

always has to be the center of attention..thank you line judge Joseph, but I think you might be a little biased

Willie D's
luv him, luv it!
again...sweat much
you wouldnt think we had a match the next day, but we actually were way too sober to be around that many people for that long, but the dancing was too much fun. I am a sucker for old school rap, I cant resist.
I am so lucky to be part of such a wonderful team and I know we will all stay friends for a long time.
My other partner...and cheerleader
always has to be the center of attention..thank you line judge Joseph, but I think you might be a little biased
There was quite a bit of down time, so we went to dinner and to have a few drinks on Saturday night. Willy D's was a blast, but we had the most fun downstairs, where we danced all night.
I was rapping, old school style
I am so lucky to be part of such a wonderful team and I know we will all stay friends for a long time.
Go Team Fianna 2!
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