I will not allow.
So let me tell everyone, another story.
Once upon a time.
In a mystical land far far away
there lived 2 bears who were best friends.
The yellow was called Funshine. and orange was called Carl's Junior.
The 2 bears were tired of living in their world of simplicity.
So they decided to travel a longlong distance.

into the land of awh and his Faaamahleeeh
here, they made new friends.
of all people they had to 误交损友..
as they slowly integrated into society..
they shared their ideas and gradually their ideology was accepted.
as you may be able to see here,
the ancient teachings of the toilet gong.
one spiked technique. two spikes. and triple spikes.
The beginnings of one of the most revolutionary movements in the world to follow.
A new leader had to be chosen to lead this movement when the bears return.
He who could brave the rain and storms. sleeping in the lecture in from of the lecturer. AND getting caught.
unknowingly, as he bent his head over, they knew, he was the chosen one.
The messiah, the one who would be able to lead by example.
His hair which would stand naturally stronger and straighter than the gatsby models.
The unnatural waxusers shall be discriminated against.
Those with hair that fails to stand shall be deemed inferior.
spastic retards who have gone more spastic [see before after diagram above] shall be executed.
However, while the spread of toiletgong-ism and BTG [bai toilet gong] was widely received,
A secret left behind by the bears seemed to have recently emerged.
A hidden skill. Left for the messiah. He who would execute in times of great peril.
降龙十八掌。 first seen executed after mastering it from the bear.
the above is 第一掌:俊男微笑
He would later be seen executing the powerful moves again when threatened by a camera.
第三掌: 君子急救小龙女
第五掌: 迫不及待...
第六掌: 兴奋挥掌
the sightings, however, are rare and incomplete, and hence it is strongly encouraged to point cameras at tongzi for reproducibility and reliability of results.
However, the secrets to the legendary skills seem to have spilled.
here we see chengteng executing a pen variant version.
As news of the great skill spread, everyone seemed to be interested.
the frequent mugging sessions by the juniors of 7G turned into intelletual discussion and research.
its moves widely studied and emulated.
As interest grew. so did its fanbase
A devoted fan who perceives the messiah as a superhero.
meng ge looked away from his books on the immediate hearing of the news =O
and even so much so that even our allah was taking notice.
probably except for a few fools who can smile so sheepishly at..
嗯. 干吗看着我?
At the Xintian research lab, a new hypothesis was forming.
ms chen explained some concepts between the links of the dragon subduing palms and the need for raw [muscle] power.
She spoke to the brainchild
There is a need to flex your biceps. flex it big and try to make your sleeves explode like tongzi wearing his bday shirt.
flexing the other way wil ensure even distribution of force.
Using protein and aminoacid analysis of an alpha helix structure, it was further analysed that the H bonding provided sufficient strength
the art of power. an indepth analysis of tongzi's muscles explained with a chemistry approach
yanqi seemed shocked.
she wasnt particularly paying attn
perhaps she was dreaming of jinlong with the muscular power.
in reality, sadly, had to hide his scrawny arms from view.
In the PW secrets montage for corinachang as her bday present,
yanqi decided, in order to save the secrets, she had to tell the only trustworthy person capable of running tongzi's life
"OMG. Ohmyyygodddddd." corina covered her mouth in disbelief.
she never felt so happy. so elated. so grateful in her life.
on the book was pasted the ultimate picture to save tongzi.
Please buy me, my lady.
I may only cost 95 cents, but my love for you shall be priceless.
"Robots are priceless <3333 lurvebessxz" he wrote on his msn.
Immediately she whipped out her wallet.
"No, my tongzi, you are definetely not just worth 95cents."
"I think you are worth $10!~"
PS: I blocked a reminder below, please read it ahaha.
oh, do check out email for phy surprise (:
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