To celebrate, amps give you a rare photo from our wedding.
taken last month at wedding of our friends J&J
Me in a gown and veil...helllooo?
champion moments, goals and best players, transfer of players and coaches, legends national player, a player celebration
R01Family background. Early education in Chinese classics. School fees. School hours. R02How his eldest brother helped other scholars to pass examination...Recommended his father to a tax collector's job. R03His father infected by cholera.Mr Sng, by the 4th recording, got to the story of his family's journey to Singapore. In his 6th and 7th recordings, he spoke about his school life at Gan Eng Seng School and how he had organised a strike in school to protest against praying in the rain, how he compained to each trustee of the school. He switched to Raffles School (yes, even in those days, civil servants had already hailed from that institution!). There are 24hours worth of stories from the anti-Japanese days, the China Reflief fund, mention of Tan Kah Kee and Lim Nee Soon, the printing of the Sin Chew Jit Poh (Chinese newspapers), the transport system in China Town.
Reason for closing of company in 1967. How he got the name "King of the Islands". His public service activities. Interest in politics. Involvement in Progressive Party. 1951 Election campaign...And what else did Mr Kulasingha contribute to? He was a Director of the Jurong Bird Park!
My dreams are now filled with Gilead TreesPerhaps owing to it being the place King David fled to during the coup by his son Absalom, Gilead has become some kind of symbolic place of both refuge and regret, calm and storm.
And other sights that I've never seen
I told you last night that I might be gone sometime, and you said, Where, and I said, To be with the Good Lord, and you said, Why, and I said, Because I'm old, and you said, I don't think you're old.I don't usually buy a book if I've not heard of the writer before, but this first line got me hooked.