Here are some pics from this past weekend. We went to a murder mystery party for the Fort Smith Classic. It is a PGA tournament that comes to the Fort at Hardscrabble Country Club and really brings a lot of revenue to town. I am helping with some fundraising and day of stuff, so we went to a pre party to get the word out. It was basically a real life clue game. It was so much fun. I was the town principal and Joseph was a tailor. Neither of us were the murderer or the victim...even though I really thought they would make Jo the bad guys since he was pouting all day about how he had to "dress up" and how the party was gonna be "lame"...haha! He actually ended up having fun. Love it when I am right.
Then Sunday we went to Jude's 2nd birthday. I cant believe he is already two. He just gets cuter everyday .
He is kind shy sometimes and dosent always love all eys on him, so I got the perfect pic of him when we all started singing to him. So precious.
When we opened presents. ...Becky, Joseph's mom had brought about 30...not kidding. We were all like "what the heck! he dosent even know how many presents he is getting...all he wants to do is play with the box anyways.!" She said that the lady at Toys r Us told said to her " Let me guess, this is your only grandchild....?" Out of control.
Hope yall have a good week.
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