Size: 50g/ 120g
Retail Price: S$62.00 / S$123.00
Available at: Isetan Tampines / Online Site
* Picture source from Priviedistribution; SG Distributor*
After all the raves on taiwanese magazines and online forums, Dr.Ci:Labo is finally IN-TOWN.
Yes yes, there is a counter at Isetan Tampines and I finally got my hands on some samples after registering with Cozycot for the sample pack.
First of all, I am a sucker for good customer service. The lady who served me is a Japanese by the name of Ryoko. Very friendly lady and very patient when explaining how to use their products. The best thing is that she is very generous when it comes to handing out samples. She gave me a few more sachets of the Aqua-Collagen-Gel on top of my trial pack.
Ok, I am digressing. Back to the product. This product is suppose to replace my toner and moisturizer and some other products. Can't really remember but bottomline is that it is a all-in-one product.
However, knowing that my skin is super dry, I used my normal toner as base so that it can spread better.
The texture is a whitish runny gel that feels like those old fashioned glue that my grandma used to make by using Tapioca flour. Smell is mild and tolerable. Leaves a layer of film like feeling after the application but it goes off once it is absorbed into the skin.
Don't really notice much difference after I wake up in the next morning, feels like my normal skincare. On the whole, not a bad product given that it is an all-in-one and my skin dont act up, which is GOOD by my standards.
Will get my hands on a tub of it when my pay comes in at the end of the month.
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