where people eat during cls
mdm ong shares some choco baby =D
where the smart sleep and the retard laugh
our junior class of muggers.. tsktsk
And people dozing during pracs...
Or the weirdo team that was eventually sent to the front for punishment during chem
Welcome to the life we missed =D
The wacky life. A life of balances.
So join our balance club today! and you'll be able to balance your life.
And even girls are doing so, why not 18 year olds?
"Ashes to ashes, and clay to clay, if the enemy doesnt get you, your own folks may!"
Ms Porcelain said~
Join the social mores today!
For the childish is used to describe those who doesnt play~
PS: this msg is dedicated for M18 mature 18yr olds with muscles bigger than 3steel and will resonate with a "tong~~~" sound when struck with a tuning fork.
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