Friday, January 9, 2009

Ah while i was rummaging through my files, I discovered this! A small segment of the literature that was never published - TongZiYue. See if you understand LOL its full of crap!

3. Time's up. Power up and explode.

Historical Reference:

“Time’s up. Power up and explode.” is a renowned quote from philosopher 童子. The meaning and value of this ingenious idiom is astoundingly close to our hearts.

Time is a perplexed concept. 童子grasped this concept and managed to interpret and present it in the most implicit manner. In the past, people thought that time was constant for everyone until decades ago when Albert Einstein came along. Einstein revised the concept of time, integrating it with space to form the concept of space-time.

Since then, there were no major breakthroughs in this field until philosopher童子 came about, redefining the very fundamentals of time with his world renowned phrase: “Time’s up. Power up and explode.”

He created this phrase during an attempted mission to exterminate 金龙, a competitor over Koreanna, by fully combusting a butanol bomb to form carbon dioxide and water only.


Literature Interpretation:

            In the literature context, “Time’s up” is a symbol of the priority of time in the philosopher’s life and also in all our lives. 童子 crafted his first 2 words of the phrase in such a manner that it can be interpreted in 2 distinct ways.

This is foreseeable as童子 is a fond user of the technique of Symmetry in Duality in which is a representation of 童子’s early days with his one and only sweetheart Koreanna from South Korea. They were forced into separation when the Korean War kept her in captivation, and then elimination, causing segregation, and frustration, upon this nation. But till the very last second of his life, 童子 still loved Koreanna deeply. He hence developed the literature technique of Symmetry in Duality to represent Koreanna and himself, never to be parted again.

Upon his death bed, 童子 said: “韩国呐呐!虽然我们今生无缘,但来世我还会娶你为妻!” a phrase now commonly used my many 古装 Chinese TV drama series despite countless patent right lawsuits from 硬如三铁有限公司 which claims the legal rights over this phrase. Till today, the technique of Symmetry in Duality remains as a subtle reminder to 童子 and Koreanna’s undying, TIME defying love.

            The first of the Symmetry in Duality in “Time’s up” implies that time is running out for him in every manner deemed possible. This technically meant that he did not have enough time to arrive at the answer for the enthalpy change of combustion of butanol because he did not know the heat capacity of the bomb shell. This resulted in an inaccurate value for temperature recorded, thus, becoming a limitation to his plan to exterminate his competitor金龙. 童子 could have used a bomb shell with lower heat capacity so as to reduce heat loss to the bomb shell, making the value of the energy released from combusting butanol more accurate.

The second of the Symmetry in Duality in “Time’s up” implies that the value for time is increasing as t approaches infinity. This is interlinked to the second segment of the idiom, “Power up and explode”.

The second segment of the idiom, “Power up and explode”, is yet another breakthrough in literature. 童子 is one of the forefathers of Physical Literature, one of the few philosophers who introduced physics into their literature work. After defining time, 童子 moved on the elaborate on the effects of time on power (P=E/t according to Newton). 童子 disagrees with Newton that power is inversely proportionate to time by stating that “Time up = Power up”.

After defying Einstein’s space time concept, 童子 once again attempted to dispute over Newton’s Power/time equivalence (P=E/t). This reflected童子’s desire to impress Koreanna with his multiple talents in arts and science.

            After “Time’s up. Power up…” 童子 decided to further differentiate his concept of power/time proportionality using implicit literature, “…and explode”. This move effectively reduced the cross elasticity between Newton’s power/time equivalence and his power/time proportionality concept, giving him pricing power.

            By saying “Power up and explode”,  童子 implied that although the reaction between the butanol used in the bomb and oxygen in the atmosphere is highly exothermic, they can exist together simply because the activation energy is high and requires increasing power to explode.



            Although well defined and logical, 童子 did not have the chance to carry out his master plan to bomb 金龙 with the butanol bomb as his plans were foiled by imperial police, who held him in captivation. However, it was rumored that he managed to escape through the 茅厕 window.

Any incidents or characters that resembles real life is purely coincidental. School starting in 2 days time! Have fun!

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